Day: April 22, 2007

Rab khair kare…(God have mercy…)

Today when I reached office and opened my mail there was one forwarded mail having subject something like “scary don’t open it, if you have a weak heart”. Well, I opened it and had just scrolled down a little, and came to know that these were the photographs of some girl, who committed suicide in some mall in Bangalore, by jumping from 13th floor. I couldn’t scroll down, even after 2nd photo. It was so horrible, perhaps, her head bashed against the floor and you know, it ………Well, don’t know how much trouble she was in, who had to take such a drastic step. Too bad on his part who composed this mail. This is no fun.

After looking at 1 or 2 photos, I was like disturbed for whole of the day.


University Life…

I used to fancy becoming an Engineer, when I was in 8th standard. That `day dream` came true when in June 2000, I took admission in Computer Engineering in Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. In our first year, we were not allotted hostels due to lesser number of rooms being available for first year students. So we had to look accommodation outside. In mid of first year, we got a room in the hostel and moved there. This was for the first time that I was having the experience of hostel life (one should at least once enjoy hostel life, as they say). Those were the best times. Our room was popularly known as dharamshala where in the evening there will be some things happening for sure: cards, music and tea & samosa. Everybody who wanted to enjoy all this would come to our room 🙂

(I am skipping the names here, due to the fear of missing someone 🙂

After completion of second year we decided to leave the hostel and go for rented accommodation. We were four people Bhagwant, Me, Pavneet & Vaibhav (in alphabetical order :). We rented a 3 room accommodation and started living there. Finally we brought our PCs from home. And then started that little technology network. We went out to computer market to buy all the technical equipment required to setup a network of 4 PCs. We got a 8 port hub, LAN cards and cables. Then started the mission to setup everything & making all PCs ready for sharing music and playing games. It took a lot as everybody was almost doing it for the first time. Finally after 2 days of fight or so everything was `on the rocks`. We used to have those never ending muliplayer sessions of NeedForSpeed (one of my favorite games when it comes to racing). After sometime we got another game from somewhere called Project IGI. Then started the real hard work to complete it. It was a FPS & strategy game having 14 levels. Now we two (me & Vaibhav) were crazy about IGI and wanted to go upto last level. I remember, we spending hours (during exams :P) and doing real hard work to complete it (the problem with this game was that there were no intermediate saves, it will save the whole level only, when you cleared it 🙁 Finally we finished it up to 13th level but could never clear the 14th level or finish the game, in other words 🙁

More than half of the classmates used to come to our room and have all those multiplayer games sessions (only we know, sometimes how we had to listen to those lectures from Auntie 🙂

Another interesting, unforgettable thing was our breakfast. We used to take 1 hour to get ready for University and before University we used to go to have breakfast. I still remember, at least half of the days (if not more 😉 after having 2-3 gobhi paranthas and then Roohafza milk we used to start feeling sleepy. So come back in the room, play some ghazals and sleep 🙂

And I can never forget to talk about mine & Vaibhav’s technical discussions and habits of screwing up ours PCs every new day. At times we used to go so deep that people around were in trouble that what the heck they were talking about 🙂 We still discuss every kinda technology, new happs on WWW and everything else. But on gtalk, not face to face.

Those days will never come back. Now we 4 are far away from each other. I am in Delhi, Bhagwant is in Bangalore, Pavneet in Hyderabad and Vaibhav in Dehradun. One good thing is that Bhagwant is coming to Noida. So once again after 3 years, we will be staying together 🙂


Delhi Unki Jaan…

Had heard a lot about Delhi. Things like Delhi meri jaan & Delhi dil walon ki. I was well settled in the city beautiful, Chandigarh (Mohali to be exact). But as Mr Fate had drawn the map I changed my job and landed up in Delhi. Along with above things had also heard about the life style of Delhi. It is very fast, hell lot of traffic, you have to be very attentive and all. But as they say you can’t enjoy heaven until unless you die yourself and have a trip 😉

So my experience was going to start. Sorry to say it was bad indeed. If you ask me to summarzie – people are too selfish, mannerless and self oriented. And the biggest pity is that this is the case with each and everybody not any single individual. I saw in Metro. People don’t care about anything. Nobody reads the information boards, nobody listens to the announcements & to the worst this is the case with well educated people. Same is the case with buses. Daily I see people arguing about each and everything.Till today I have been looking for those people seeing whom you could say Delhi dil walon ki.


Not Just Paranthas…

Punjabis are famous for many things. On top of the list are their eating habits and being more specific Punjabis can’t control themselves when they see Paranthas.Many times I had heard about Paratha Wali Gali in Delhi but never got a chance to go there and try.One day I came to see Not Just Paranthas very near to our place.So we decided to go there. After going there we were given one 4 page newspaper sort of, that actually was a menu 🙂 From there only we came to know that Not Just Paranthas was a copy of Paratha Wali Gali created in modern fashion.In the menu there were more than 100 varieties of paranthas out of which we could choose. After having look at everything we decided to go for Vesna Parantha stuffed with Gobhi,Pyaz and Paneer mix with curd. Believe me just an awesome taste. Then we had normal Gobhi Pyaz and Mooli paranthas.But it is bit expensive (infact more than a bit) Cost of that first parantha was Rs 80 per parantha (without any Curd/Butter). So I think not wrong to call it expensive !!!

Do give it a try when you get some time 🙂



Weekend is a highly respected term in my industry. After screwing his head for 5 days (I didn’t mention in what 😉 ) everybody waits for a weekend as it is the time to relax, to enjoy, to sleep, to meet friends and to do a hell lot of things out of which more than 1/2 get postponed to next week with a hope “will see next week”. Last week was real good as Monday was a holiday due to X Mas. I had to leave for home by Firday Night train. One of my friend[A] had got a flight from Pune to Delhi which was expected to be here by 4:30 or so. So by thursday evening everything was planned that we will be meeting at Bus Stand. As generally when you plan in advance things never comes on the track, something similar happened here also. Flight was late by 2 hours and it reached by 7 or so. Now coming from Airport to Bus Stand itself takes 1 1/2 hours or so. Even my train was late by an hour from its right time (that is 2030 hrs).

But to summarize due to everything going away from the origin we couldnt meet and postponed the program to meet to some other day. [one important thing to mention for this much time…till he has left the airport, i was waiting in office alone 🙁 ] So I reached Railway station well advance in time and to add more to it train was actually late by almost 2 hours. Again I was waiting for one friend[B] who has the tickets and had to go with me. So finally when he came we went for dinner and after that it was little bit easier to kill time. I skip everything here & I reached home at 6 AM.

Now didnt have the time to sleep. Have to meet 2 friends over here one who came with me[B] in the train and another one[C]. So planned to meet at around 11 AM. Then there was a program to go for a movie “Bhagam Bhaag”. To mention it was a torture and we were planning to leave in between, I got a call from home that the postman came to deliver my passport, as I was not at home so have to collect it from the post office. So 2 of us left the movie hall and reached postoffice to collect my passport. Then reached home by evening.

Now next day was sunday and I had to wake up by 5 in the morning to go to one of friend’s[D] place for a program. Came back from there by 9. After that again needed to go out of city to some place 40 kms away (between these 2 things a round of B’z house

Finally out of my city and expected to be back by next day. Have to meet 2 more friends on the way. School time buddies, talked to them after real long…say 2 years or more. Went through the same streets where we used to go when we were in 9th, 10th standered. In front of houses of all the beautiful girls of our school, some of them must be taking care of their kids these days 🙁

After doing all this have to come back on Monday to get a photograph clicked for an idendity card. Did that also. Now again back to B’z house and me, B & C together, had one samosa & tea session [my cup with little more sugar added to it 😉 ].Then came back home and went for a small nap before leaving for Railway Station. [Have to reach station by 2315 hrs so there was time left for a nap] grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…………. 🙂

Cheers !