Category: Random

Crap Unlimited ;)

It has been really long since I last posted on this blog (Last post was on 14th Oct, so we can safely assume that it has been actually pretty long ๐Ÿ˜› ). Title of the post explains pretty much of the stuff and this post may also appear to be the same ie crap :D. Not much stuff to write but yes a lot of, to tell that why this long gap. There was so much of crap to see in last one month or so. First it was the RnD to buy a new Computer and then not being able to buy it because of unavailability of one component or the another. Finally when i succeeded in buying it and came back home, the keyboard & mouse was found to be used and defective. So had to go back immediately and get a new one. Not a good start probably. Then started the struggle of installing some OS. Not a big deal but another beauty to see that the system kept rebooting randomly. Tried switching OSes but to no avail. Then started adding, removing, adding again, removing again the RAM sticks and so on some 100 times ๐Ÿ˜‰ . Again no results and the focus shifted to motherboard. Finally it was declared that there was something fishy with the motherboard and it was the cause of this reboot thing. Did and made some people do some real good RnD and decided to buy another motherboard that supported the hardware properly. So went to Nehru Place and some dishoom dishoom with the dealer and finally succeeded in getting a new different motherboard. Now things should look good. Oh yes, the problem of rebooting was gone but Windows stared freezing randomly, again without any pattern or logic. So now what ? I was just thinking that what could be the game that noticed something crappy with the Hard disk. Ran some utilities and they told that the end of the hard disk was near ๐Ÿ˜‰ . Oh noooooo. Time to replace even the hard disk. So again went to the dealer. Explained him the issue (That this particular SMART attribute of HDD is not okโ€ฆheavy stuff ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). And he asked me to go to Seagate service center and submit it. Man it was like a kerosene distribution depot in India. So many people in queue to submit their defective disks (And from there you can pretty much guess the quality, Seagate is delivering these days ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). Finally after a week or so, got a new refurbished (yea, refurbished, not brand new ๐Ÿ™ ) Hard disk, installed  it and i guess (yea guess ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) it seems to work fine. Windows did freeze once or twice initially but since then it has not shown those strains. Does that mean that the crap has ended ? You never know ! Hopefully, it has ;).

& I am going to be regular again, again hopefully ;).

3 Multipurpose

I had to post a letter, so me and one of my friend went to post office to do the same. First it was day before yesterday, then yesterday and today when we were finally able to do it. Daily, the queue was so long that we used to come back with the hope of doing it tomorrow. Today, before lunch we took out some time to do it. The queue was not that long but not really a queue. It looked like the tail of a dog ๐Ÿ˜‰ but anyways we fixed the confusion and stood at the end of the queue. The aunty sitting at the counter was really crappy and frusti types. She called an uncle from the queue and my friend had just started to move that she cried like a cat โ€œyeh to senior hainโ€ฆaap bhi senior ho kya ?โ€ So it was time to stand there and wait. Well, as i said the queue was not that long so we were free in almost 15 minutes. But what attracted by attention was something else. We were standing adjacent to counter 3 and it read 3 Multipurpose (meaning you could get multiple services over the counter). But actually, it took us 3 days to solve a single purpose ๐Ÿ˜› .

Why ?

Why does it happen that:

  1. You feel like calling some of your friends and none of them picks your call.
  2. You feel like meeting some of them and they are either busy or gone out of station.
  3. You are alone on a long weekend; your mind seems to get stuck and out of order.
  4. You think a lot but are hardly able to do a thing.
  5. You plan about going somewhere the next day but the next day is also as crappy as yesterday.
  6. When nothing seems to work you turn to blog posting :P.

Trying to…

Since yesterday night i am trying to write a post and today started one more but havenโ€™t been able to complete any of them. Sometimes, you just canโ€™t find words to write. Mind goes kind of blank/dead. To deal with that frustration, thought about writing another post ๐Ÿ˜‰ . Oopsโ€ฆthis also counts as a post. May be time to try completing those two again ๐Ÿ˜› .

Delayed online ;)

Yesterday, my landlord called to inform that our this monthโ€™s electricity bill of 10,000 INR (yea, the post effects of chilling in AC ๐Ÿ˜€ ) was pending and today was the last date for the payment. Without any doubt, for people like us, who leave for office in the morning and come back in the evening paying online is the best option. So just like everything else, i went to BSES website and checked for the methods of payment. Everything so sweet but they said that payment done online will take 3 days to get processed so you should pay three days before the last date to save yourself from any late payment charges. I am just wondering that what is the use of making it online, if it takes 3 days to reach them. Nothing less than misuse of technology, in my opinion ๐Ÿ™ .