Monthly Archives: March 2007

Viruses, Intrusion attempts and Norton…

When I got my Laptop, along with it also got Norton Internet Security and 2 months subscription for updates & all. Whenever I would boot up the laptop Internet Security would open the window for configuration. I kept on cancelling it for 2 weeks or so. But one fine (read not fine 🙁 day I configured it. It was very happy. Said Thank You at the end. But the best was yet to come. After 10-15 days Windows (XP media center is installed on my Laptop) started showing signs of strain 😉 It won’t start properly, after saying loading your settings it will stuck. Then I had to kill explorer.exe and start it again. With this also one strange problem that no startup items will be loaded 🙁 I was discussing the same with one of my friend. He said that Norton must be the culprit. So I thought about uninstalling it. When I tried to uninstall it gave some strange error. Anyways it also told about one URL from where one could check details of the error. Finally when the uninstall started it gave one beautiful message “You still have 39 days of subscription left, if you uninstall the product you will not be able to reuse the subscription” 😀

After uninstalling when I rebooted, Windows was perfectly fine. Then I enabled windows firewall and installed AVG Free Antivirus (One of my favorite when it comes to using resources and loading at startup). Everything in place now 🙂

Cheers !

Intelligent people, geeks and nerds…

I was checking Tom Kyte’s blog. It was about an article titled A Note To Employers: 8 Things Intelligent People, Geeks and Nerds Need To Work Happily. Well first of all meaning of all three words from “define: * in Google”

1. Intelligent: having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree

2. Geek: In computers and the Internet, a geekis a person who is inordinately dedicated to and involved with the technologyto the point of sometimes not appearing to be like the rest of us (non-geeks).Being a geek also implies a capability with the technology.

3. Nerd: A computer expert by aptitude and not mere training. Usually male, under the age of 35 and socially inept; a person whose tremendous skill with operating or designing computer hardware or software is exceeded only by his, rarely her, passionate love of the technology.

So all the three words refer to some exceptional class of people, not everybody 😉 Here are my views about all the points:

1. Yes flexible timings is a big thing. Different classes of people are there. One that can work in morning, another late night so and so and one that can’t anytime (but this article is not for those 😉

2. Yes everybody likes different kind of environment around. I like greenry and natural things, if possible 🙂 & the nap thing i strongly agree to 😉

3. Except while sleeping and listening to some classical genre of music, I need light 🙂

4. Nice idea. & I ALMOST HATE those people talking on the phone everytime, specially sales people & managers.

5. Yes. No suits and formals. It is upto you whatever you like. Reid & Taylor Suits are ok for James Bond in 007 series but are not going to help in bringing up a server from crash or catching an exception that has propagated to 5th-6th calling program because somebody didn’t handle it at proper place earlier 🙂

6. Not a big issue. Just need the company of like minded people and it is fine 🙂

7. Yes. No meetings just for the sake of meetings. We need work not meetings.

8. It hurts the soul.

So those are all my views about this. Do post what you think ?

Cheers !


Running Linux from inside Windows…

Running Linux from right inside Windows, just like a normal application !!! Idea looks cool. I was also searching for the same thing. After little bit of Googling got one link This article explains everything about making it possible. (Thanks Kyle Pott 🙂

I had downloaded Fedore Core 7 Live CD. Tried same with this method. It is working perfectly fine. Rocking Infact !!! I have 1 Gigs of RAM in my laptop. It is giving good performance but will definitly rock with 2 Gigs.This is how it looks like on my laptop .

Cheers !

RSS Feeds…

For the last 4-5 months I was almost without a PC and internet. This problem was solved when I got my HP laptop last month and then internet connection this month. One thing I had heard much about was RSS feeds and also wanted to try the same because there were many blogs which I used to check regularly. I had an idea about the concept used by RSS feeds that you will need to install a piece of software on your PC, give link of the page you want it to monitor and it will inform you when there is something new since your last visit.(period) Nothing more I knew.

So as I generally do started looking for some good RSS reader(possibly the best ;). From the very first search in Google I opened the first link and downloaded RSS Reader and installed it. Then after installing, had to give the link of RSS feed for the page that you wanted it to monitor. It was very simple copy-paste kind of job. Just took around 2 mins. Now I have added many websites and blogs to it. Every time when there is something new it rings the bell 🙂
Some of my favourite links: Official Forum of Gurdas Maan Blog of Tom Kyte Hompage of Asktom Homepage of Jonathan Lewis Website of Jonathan Lewis

Cheers !!!