Tag Archives: GoldenGate

Error while running ggsci

This was another issue that I faced while trying to configure GoldenGate in HA mode. ggsci was working fine after normal installation but after configuring it in HA mode and trying to run ggsci, it resulted in this:

[oragg@node2 product]$ ggsci
Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version OGGCORE_12.
Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 12c on Apr 16 2018 00:53:30
Operating system character set identified as UTF-8.
Copyright (C) 1995, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
2019-01-08 16:28:37.913
CLSD: An error occurred while attempting to generate a full name. Logging may not be active for this process
Additional diagnostics: CLSU-00100: operating system function: sclsdgcwd failed with error data: -1
CLSU-00103: error location: sclsdgcwd2
GGSCI (node2) 1>

No obvious clues in the error message but little searching revealed that it had something to do with permissions. It was on Exadata so i tried to do a strace of ggsci and see if it could give some clues. There we go:

[oragg@node2 product]$ strace ggsci
mkdir("/u01/app/oracle/product/", 01777) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)

That is the Oracle database home, GoldenGate is supposed to use. It is trying to create a directory at the mentioned path and not able to do it. There was another directory called client needed inside this. I created both of them and set the needed permissions & the sticky bit and it worked fine. It was working fine on the other node, so i could check the permissions over there and do the same on this node.

Failed to execute the command “”/u01/app/xag/bin/clsecho”

I was configuring GoldenGate in HA mode by following this document. Everything worked ok but in the end while running agctl config goldengate to view the configuration of GoldenGate resource, it was failing with the following error:

[oracle@exadatadb02 ~]$ agctl config goldengate GG_TARGET
Failed to execute the command ""/u01/app/xag/bin/clsecho" -p xag -f xag -m 5080 "GG_TARGET"" (rc=134), with the message:
Oracle Clusterware infrastructure fatal error in clsecho.bin (OS PID 126367_140570897783808): Internal error (ID (:CLSB00107:)) - Error -1 (ORA-08275) determining Oracle base
/u01/app/xag/bin/clsecho: line 45: 126367 Aborted (core dumped) ${CRS_HOME}/bin/clsecho.bin "$@"
Failed to execute the command ""/u01/app/xag/bin/clsecho" -p xag -f xag -m 5081 "/u01/app/oragg/product"" (rc=134), with the message:

If you look at the error in bold it sounds kinda obvious that it is not able to figure our where the ORACLE_BASE is. But somehow it didn’t strike me at that moment. So started looking around. If we look at the command it is running, it runs clsecho. This is simply a shell script which in turn calls $CRS_HOME/bin/clsecho.bin . In the script, it sets various environment variables and that is where the problem was. There are lines like:


Nowhere in the script, it is setting the value of ORACLE_BASE. That was causing an issue. I changed the first line to set the ORACLE_BASE location and it worked fine after that. There was another issue i faced with ggsci after doing xag configuration. Will do another blog post on that.

Oracle GoldenGate 11g Handbook

Few months ago I contributed a chapter (on Monitoring, Troubleshooting and Performance tuning) to a GoldenGate book on Oracle Press that Robert Freeman was authoring. Thought of posting a small update that the book is now out. My name doesn’t appear on the main page Sad smile but you will see it in the Acknowledgements section Winking smile Below is a screenshot taken from Amazon preview Smile.

You may want to grab a copy if you are using/planning to use Oracle GoldenGate 11g.

Here is the link to the book page on Amazon. It seems the book is not published in India yet but one can order the imported edition on amazon.in


Configure GoldenGate Extract to read from remote logs

Sometimes you may need to run GoldenGate on some different machine than the one that hosts the database. It is very much possible but some kind of restrictions apply. First is that the Endian order of both the systems should be same and the second is the bit width has to be same. For example it is not possible to run GoldenGate on a 32 bit system to read from a database that runs on some 64 bit platform. Assuming that the environemnt satisfies the above two conditions; we can use the LOGSOURCE option of TRANSLOGOPTIONS to achieve this.

Here we run GG on host goldengate1 ( and the database from which we want to capture the changes runs on the host goldengate3 ( Both the systems run on RHEL 5.5. On goldengate3 redo logs are in the mount point /home which has been NFS mounted on goldengate1 as /home_gg3

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on   12184800   7962496   3593376  69% /home_gg3

The Extract parameters are as follows:


USERID ggadmin@orcl3, PASSWORD ggadmin

EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/er

TRANLOGOPTIONS LOGSOURCE LINUX, PATHMAP /home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/orcl /home_gg3/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/or
cl, PATHMAP /home/oracle/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/archivelog /home_gg3/oracle/app/oracle/flash_recovery_


(The text in the line starting with TRANLOGOPTIONS is a single line)

So using PATHMAP we can make GG aware about the actual location of the red logs & archive logs on the remote server and the mapped location on the system where GG is running (It is somewhat like db_file_name_convert option for Data Guards).

We fire some DMLs on the source database and then run stats command for the Extract

GGSCI (goldengate1) 93> stats ermt01 totalsonly *

Sending STATS request to EXTRACT ERMT01 ...

Start of Statistics at 2012-05-26 05:17:05.

Output to ./dirdat/er:

Cumulative totals for specified table(s):

*** Total statistics since 2012-05-26 04:51:10 ***
        Total inserts                                1.00
        Total updates                                0.00
        Total deletes                                1.00
        Total discards                               0.00
        Total operations                             2.00

End of Statistics.

GGSCI (goldengate1) 94>

For more details have a look at the GG reference guide (Page 402).


Tuning GoldenGate Extract Pump performance

Just a quick note/post about the significance of COMPRESS and TCPBUFSIZE parameter in performance of a GoldenGate Extract Pump process. COMPRESS helps in compressing the outgoing blocks hence helping in better utilization of the bandwidth from source to target. GG is going to uncompress the blocks before writing them to the remote trail file on the target. Compression ratios of 4:1 or better can be achieved. Of course, use of COMPRESS may result in increased CPU usage on both the sides.

TCPBUFSIZE controls the size of the TCP buffer socket that is going to be used by the Extract. If the bandwidth allows, it will be a good idea to send larger packets. So depending upon the available bandwidth one can experiment with the values of TCPBUFSIZE. At one of the client sites, I saw a great increase in the performance after setting TCPBUFSIZE. The trail file (10 MB size) that was taking almost a minute to transfer started getting through in few seconds after setting this parameter. Documentation (http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E35209_01/doc.1121/e29399.pdf page 313) provides the method to calculate the optimum value for TCPBUFSIZE for your environment.

While using TCPBUFSIZE value for TCPFLUSHBYTES (at least equal to the value of TCPBUFSIZE) also needs to be set. It is the buffer that collects the data that is going to be transferred to the target.

These parameters can be used like following:

rmthost, mgrport, compress, tcpbufsize 10000, tcpflushbytes 10000

Also see the metalink note 1071892.1.