I was copying some data from a DVD and it stopped in between due to some error with some file. Then I was reminded of Total Copy (A small alternate utility to Windows copy) but even thats is not much stable and you have to right click & drag for copy/paste.
I googled a bit and came across another small utility called Tera Copy. Its just 1 MB download and replaces Windows copy/paste. It provides many options like skipping a file, resuming copy and some other stuff. A must have for all Windows users. There is a pro version too.
Thanks for that. I’ve been dropping down to DOS and XCOPY up until now.
BTW refreshed my memories of Windows 98 doing dir, fdisk and fdisk /mbr in DOS 😀
Good Day, I fell lucky that I located this post while browsing for dvd xcopy. I am with you on the topic of of your copy paste woes in Windows. Ironically, I was just putting a lot of thought into this last Sunday.