Category Archives: Unix/Linux

Command line history in SQL (for Linux)…

Found a very interesting article on Dizwell’s blog. It was about keeping history of the SQL commands in SQL Plus on Linux. It is almost very simple. Just need to download a small utility called rlwrap from here. Its a tar.gz file. Download it, un-tar using

tar -xvf rlwrap-0.28.tar.gz

It will create a directory with the same name. cd to the directory and run


Now do

make install

(I was logged in as oracle user, then did su, but it gave some errors, finally I logged in as root and it worked fine)

Now what is left to be done is make an alias for sqlplus as

alias sqlplus='rlwrap sqlplus'

Using up/down arrows, commands can be scrolled up and down just like windows. Have a look at full article here.



Running Linux from inside Windows…

Running Linux from right inside Windows, just like a normal application !!! Idea looks cool. I was also searching for the same thing. After little bit of Googling got one link This article explains everything about making it possible. (Thanks Kyle Pott 🙂

I had downloaded Fedore Core 7 Live CD. Tried same with this method. It is working perfectly fine. Rocking Infact !!! I have 1 Gigs of RAM in my laptop. It is giving good performance but will definitly rock with 2 Gigs.This is how it looks like on my laptop .

Cheers !