Probably, i observe too much. And that is a problem sometimes, something gets stuck in your head and it makes you keep thinking about it, all the time. This post is not about anything really. Just a post, i should say. I go to office by local bus and bus stop is just 4-5 minutes walk from my house. Generally i reach 5 minutes before the time of the bus. Now it has been pretty good time and i almost recognize all the daily passengers (probably they recognize me too). Sometime standing there, there are so many things to observe and notice. Life…at its full speed. People are going to their offices. Rikshaw wallas are waiting for their daily passengers to help them reach their destinations. Buses seem to be swiftly doing their daily duty. If we try to notice peoples’ faces some are serious, some sad and few happy. With these mobile phones with FM radio becoming so popular most of the people are seen talking on the phone or having plugged in the ear piece and listening to radio. That have actually reduced the interaction with fellow passengers in country like India. People sit quietly and play their music. These days DTC has started some AC buses so some changes are there to be seen signifying some improvements. Traffic still moves almost in a stupid and irritating manner. We Indians have not learned to obey the rules. Probably a rule is required to make people obey the rules.

All goes uninterrupted and then there is something like blasts to shatter everything. Normalcy takes a break for sometime. The bad memories fade and we again see people going, buses running and so on…

That is what life is…