Read day 4
The situation of labourers trying to reach their homes is really bad. Centre govt has asked the state govts to put all such people under quarantine and arrange for their stay and food. This again is easier said than done. To track everyone who returned from Delhi and then to arrange accommodation and food for them is a mammoth task. We can only hope that it doesn’t turn into a community spread situation.
Number of cases In India touched 1100 today. At this moment, it is not much clear how the trend in coming days is going to be like. Hope it gets controlled. The situation in US, Italy and some other countries is really bad. With similar number of cases in India, it is going to be really really difficult to provide medical care for the critical cases.
Read day 6
Tag: Lockdown
India Lockdown – Day 4
Read day 3
Due to the lockdown, the daily wagers and migrant labourers are facing really hard times. They have lost the work and there is no income. The only option they have is to try to go back to their hometowns which they are trying to do. Since most of the public transport is not functional, there is a flood of people at various bus stands.
Authorities should have kept this point in consideration before announcing the lockdown. I don’t think it would have been possible to completely avoid this but still some planning could have helped. Gatherings of people in thousands increase the risk of community spread but what option do they have ? They need food and a place to live to survive. When you have no source of income and no money in the pocket, how are you going to get this ? It makes their lives even harder. This is really sad. Hope things improve for them. Reminds me of this piece of poetry by Sant Ram Udasi (Sung by Jasbir Jassi) – tu maghda rahi ve soorja kammiyan de vihde
On the personal front, the water purified stopped working. The Kent guys aren’t able to provide the service due to lockdown. Need to figure out if there is a way to get it fixed.
But I am just thinking how small this problem is as compared to what my fellow citizens are facing. Reminds me of this tweet of mine (the first one).
Hope things change for better !
Read day 5
India Lockdown – Day 3
Read day 2
So like yesterday, today was also a better day. There were very few announcements. People seem to be getting used to the idea of staying indoors. Also there were 2 policemen on bike followed by an Auto with a loudspeaker fitted atop, giving information about Covid-19 dos and don’ts. They did a round in the society also.
I clicked this in the evening. See the empty streets and the clear skies.
Read day 4
India Lockdown – Day 2
Read Day 1
Today seemed to be a better day in the society. Very few announcements. Means people were not roaming around aimlessly. People were seen going outside for getting the daily stuff like milk and groceries.
Govt has allocated a special budget for taking care of needs of the poor people during this lockdown period. Hope it reaches the needy and can help them through this hard time. They are the ones who are going to face the most challenges.
Also on the personal front, read some technical stuff. But man…it is difficult to be shut inside like this. But what other option do we have ?
Read day 3
India Lockdown – Day 1
As we all know the world is going through a really difficult time and there are a number of countries placed under lockdown to contain the spread of Covid-19. India is also one of them. Imagine 130 crores of population shut indoors. Most of the private companies have given work from home to their employees. Govt offices are also running with limited staff. Out generation hasn’t seen anything like that earlier.
Most of the people with some fixed income are going to sail through this with some hardships but for the daily wagers it is one of the most difficult times. Without there being no daily incomes, it is very difficult to even arrange for two meals a day. Hope the work being done by the govt and some charitable organizations helps in easing their difficulties.
Since working from home gives some free time, so thought about jotting down some thoughts about how it is going for us and around us. Also it works as an excuse to get started with blogging again.
As the PM announced JantaCurfew for Sunday, so most of the day was very silent one. People stayed indoors. By the time it ended, the UP govt announced restrictions for Monday and Tuesday. For our society guys, Monday was a tough day. Man…people just don’t listen. People were roaming around, talking walks just as usual. Some of them were enjoying in the park with their kids. Finally they had to put a loudspeaker at the main gate of the society and there was a guy sitting with a mic who made like hundreds of announcements throughout the day asking people to stay indoors. Whenever there was someone spotted roaming around aimlessly, the speaker was on. This continued on Tuesday as well. Then PM announced the lockdown for 21 days.
Today was relatively a better day. There were very few announcements. People were going out but mostly for their needs like buying grociries ands stuff. I also went out in the morning to get some milk and curd and it was all fine. Got back in 10-15 mins. Spotted these dogs maintaining social distance. So it is important folks.
Most of the home delivery services are badly affected. MilkBasket already announced that they were suspending the deliveries. CountryDelight guys promised to deliver but no-one turned up. Also their app was kind of hung whole of Tuesday evening, till late night. In fact today also it was in bad shape. Only in the late evening it started working properly. Had enough stuff at home so didn’t order anything.
There was some free time, so managed to read this short book once again (maybe after many years).
That’s all for Day 1 folks.
Read day 2
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