Tag Archives: mviews comments


Our application (3 tier, Front end Forms10g and back end 10gR2) provides user with a front end to refresh the mviews. That form has 2 columns showing mview name and the comment against it. Recently i saw that while opening this front end ORA-01403 NO DATA FOUND was being raised.

I opened the fmb and found that it was populating comments from DBA_TAB_COMMENTS. In 10g the comments against mviews are stored in DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS unlike till 9i where it was in ALL_TAB_COMMENTS. So there was a little modification required.

BTW if you try to comment on the table (which is created with MVIEW) it won’t allow you to do so and instead raise ORA-12098: cannot comment on the materialized view.

So may be that little change needs to be done !